Compliance Alert - Senior$afe Act Update
It appears that the previously proposed Senior$afe Act that has been hanging around for over 2 years now will finally be written into law as we await President Trump to sign the bi-partisan reform legislation that cleared Congress last week. So, keep an eye out in the news and your emails relative to the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act the name of the legislation.
The part of the legislation important to you grants immunity for you from being sued if you act in good faith and with reasonable care to report suspected senior financial exploitation and have had adequate issue spotting training relative to senior exploitation. The training would consist of how to identify and report the exploitation as well as discussing the need to protect the privacy and respect the integrity of each client. Attached are some helpful items to assist with this issue.
More info to come once further details are released. Also, like last year there will be a course in your CE relative to senior citizens which will count towards your training.
Any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Renee