How To

Tips & Tricks for Editing Your Site

Front Website


Header Images & Text - click here to visit the Homepage Highlights web app and edit the home image and blocks of text.
The image has to be 1095 pixels wide by 465 pixels tall.
The intro is the field that appears before the hover effect.
The Item Description at the bottom is what appears when you roll over.  
You can also change where the item links to by changing the link field. 

Significance & Peace of Mind Box - click here to visit the Content Holder that holds this box. 

3 Viewing Paths - click here to visit the About IPI web app and edit the 3 viewing paths on the homepage. 

Interior Pages

Right Column Content - click here to visit the Interior Images web app where you can edit/add right column content.  The item name will be the link (page) you want it applied to.  You can upload an image (It should be 375 pixels by 300 pixels. And then you can add the content in the large item description area at the bottom.

Our Team - click here to visit the Team web app to edit/add team members.  The item name will hold the person's name, you can add a title, photo (should be 200 pixels by 248 pixels) then add the phone number and email address.  The email address is broken into two parts to avoid spam. so for example mine would be meagan and then the second part would be  You can then add the bio in the full item description.

FAQ - click here to visit the FAQ web app and to add content.  The item name will hold the question, and the item description will hold the answer. 

Public News - click here to visit the Public News Web App and to add content to the news page. The item name is the headline, the intro is the text that appears on the list page, and the item description is the full article. 

Press - Click here to visit the Press web app and upload Press Releases.  The item name is the headline, you can upload a PDF of the release in the PDF field. 

For additional pages, you can just go to site manager > Pages > then click on the page name to edit. 

IPI Intranet

  • You can edit the menu of the IPI Intranet by clicking here, or by going to Site Manager > Menus > Advisor Menus. 

To add users to the intranet.  Go to Site Manager > Secure Zones > Advisors then click on Subscribers.  You can manually add in names, or import an excel document by exporting the current report, adding to it, and then re-importing. 

Each of the following sections uses a variety of web apps for each type of file. A few things to remember, when uploading files, make sure the file name has no spaces of funky characters. When linking to a YouTube video, make sure to include http:// before the link.








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