IPI Beyond Business
At IPI, our mission is not just words on paper. We believe in action. We believe in our community. We proudly believe that business owners have a moral responsibility to give back to the communities in which they operate.
With that, we strive to live out our mission each and every day.
One way we make this happen is by supporting PawPrint Ministries right here in Decatur. PawPrint Ministries is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to honor God in all we do and bring comfort to our community and beyond. Our goal is to achieve this by being available to those in need of love, warmth, and compassion. This goal will be accomplished by sharing registered therapy/comfort dogs with individuals in health care facilities, schools and senior homes, and deployment to areas in need during times of crisis.
To learn more about PawPrint Ministries, call 217-855-6340, email comfortdogs@


Additionally, we would love to consider your charitable request. Hundreds are received every year, and each year the number grows. We hope that by providing this information sheet for your organization to complete, we can standardize the process and create an equal opportunity for all.
Fillable Form